Norton security contact numbers
Norton security contact numbers


This might include order numbers, credit card statements, serial numbers or any previous correspondence regarding your current issue.

norton security contact numbers

Be ready to help the Norton Antivirus customer service representative who takes your call by having any necessary information in front of you.After completing the support ticket, you'll receive a local number to call. To get the right number, you need to open a support case on the Norton Antivirus website. Norton Antivirus has both its premium line as well as its standard customer service numbers. Before calling, make sure you have the correct number.There are several things that you can do to help ensure that your call to Norton Antivirus Customer service is handled quickly and professionally: You may opt for Premium customer service by paying an additional fee.īest Practices for Calling Norton AntiVirus Customer Service It should be noted that Norton Antivirus offers two levels of customer service: Standard and Premium, which offers quicker, more accessible customer service that includes a range of IT services that are not accessible via standard customer support. Help with installing or removing products.

norton security contact numbers norton security contact numbers

People call Norton AntiVirus customer support for many different reasons, including: Why Do People Call Norton AntiVirus Customer Support? It's not surprising, therefore, that the company gets a lot of requests for customer service each and every day. Norton is a well-known provider of computer security products and is one of the older brands on the market. Norton AntiVirus is a company that sells antivirus software.

Norton security contact numbers