Wolfenstein wiki mutants
Wolfenstein wiki mutants

wolfenstein wiki mutants


In the Mac Family, the Mutant gives 400 scoring points instead of 700. The Übermutant, an improved Mutant, appears in Spear of Destiny. Upon death, like other gun-toting enemies, a Mutant drops an ammo clip containing 4 bullets.

wolfenstein wiki mutants

Schabbs' syringes, his hair color remains light brown while all Mutants are black-haired in contrast to all Guards being light blond, suggesting the usage of non-Aryan people. The concept of Mutants is based on Nazi human experimentation. On higher difficulties, being ambushed by a Mutant or two can drain heavy amounts of the player's health, if not outright kill. Compounding this difficulty, Mutants are completely silent - meaning they do not announce their presence to the player as do the more conventional enemies, except through their gunshots, and their only vocalization is their death scream. Mutants can fire instantly instead of having to wind up for firing like Guard and Officers do, and they fire continuously instead of in single shots. While only armed with an automatic Pistol, they are easily one of the deadliest enemies in the game. Mutants have guns surgically integrated into their chests, making them literal killing machines. This could mean that they killed the Nazi Guards as revenge. Army soldiers before being subjected to the gruesome zombification process. The green uniforms suggest that the Mutants originally were captured U.S. However, some missions place groups of Mutants in rooms with Guards' corpses, implying that the Mutants killed them and are hence not entirely tamed. They were intended to fight for the Nazis and often they do, being found in the same rooms as Guards. Schabbs that appear in Wolfenstein 3D (in the second episode, Operation Eisenfaust) and Spear of Destiny. Mutants (also known as Zombie Guards or Undead Guards) are undead super-soldiers created by Dr.

Wolfenstein wiki mutants